Fungal α-Amylase FAM100 is a special enzyme from fungi, which has been shown to improve the quality of homemade bread. With the impressive uses of Fungal α-Amylase FAM100, including how to help supplement α-amylase, increase loaf volume and create a more uniform bread structure.
α-Amylase helps make flour perfect
When making bread, the presence of α-amylase is extremely important to break down starch into glucose, creating energy for the bread rising process. However, sometimes flour can be deficient in this enzyme. This is where Fungal α-Amylase FAM100 comes to the rescue. Adding this enzyme to your bread recipe will ensure that your flour has the necessary amount of α-amylase, which helps the bread rise evenly and give it incredible softness.
Increases loaf and oven volume perfectly
This is the first time a baker or chef has experienced good oven springs as described in the manual. Fungal α-Amylase FAM100 has the ability to promote this process to a new level. Helps create a soft and evenly rising bread structure, increasing loaf volume and providing a satisfying feeling every time you bake.
The structure inside the cake is regular
There's nothing worse than cutting into a loaf of bread and seeing an uneven texture. Fungal α-Amylase FAM100 helps eliminate this problem by creating a smooth and uniform breadcrumb structure. You will always be proud to see your bread has a perfect structure from the inside.
With Fungal α-Amylase FAM100, great solution to improve bread quality at home. Adding α-amylase, increasing loaf volume and improving bread structure has never been easier. Try it now and experience the difference in your baking every time.
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