HGA-101PU is a synthetic enzyme between Glucoamylase and Pullulanase. HGA-101PU contains strong Glucoamylase enzyme and Pullulanase enzyme which has the function of starch decomposition.
Glucoamylase is produced from controlled fermentation of selected strains of Aspergillus niger, while Pullulanase is produced from highly heat-tolerant strains of Bacillus licheniformis.
Glucoamylase hydrolyzes the α-1,4 glucosidic bonds of starch to release glucose.
Pullulanase can cleave the α-1,6 glucoside bond in the branched chain of amylopectin and cleave the entire branch structure to form amylose.
Therefore, HGA-101PU has a higher glucose conversion rate when saccharifying starch into glucose.
Product Features:
Glucoamylase activity: 100,000 U/ml (min)
Pullulanase activity: 800 BU/ml (min)
Sensory description: Brownish yellow liquid
pH: 3.0 to 5.0
Density: 1.10 to 1.25 g/ml
Effect of Ph on HGA-101PU:
HGA-101PU operates in the pH range of 3.0-5.5.
The optimum pH range is 4.0-4.5 with an optimum pH value of 4.2.
Effect of temperature on HGA-101PU:
The effective temperature range for HGA-101PU is 30 to 65°C, normal temperature is 55 to 65°C, optimum temperature is 60°C.
HGA-101PU may be inactivated at temperatures above 65°C. Typically, HGA-101PU will be completely inactivated at 80°C for 5 minutes.
Instructions for use:
- General dosage is from 0.35 - 0.6 kg/ton of dry starch.
- The recommended optimum temperature is 58 to 62°C, pH 4.0 to 4.5.
- First adjust the pH and temperature, then add HGA-101PU.
- Add HGA-101PU to starch solution such as corn starch, wheat starch, barley starch, tapioca starch, rice starch, potato starch to convert starch into glucose.
- The amount used depends on the specific raw material and the actual processing conditions. Some testing should be done to determine the optimum content.
- The saccharification process will take about 32-55 hours.
Storage and shelf life:
- Or packed according to customer requirements
- Typical shelf life is 6 months if stored below 25°C in sealed, unopened packaging, away from direct sunlight.
- Shelf life can be extended up to 18 months provided this product is properly stored at 0∼10°C.
- Prolonged storage and/or unfavourable conditions such as higher temperatures may result in higher dosage requirements and therefore require attention.
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